Houston County

Houston County Map

This map is intended for general geographical understanding. It does not provide the specific locations of the farms in order to protect the owners’ privacy. Map Courtesy of Carole Swann, Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

Houston County, located in the northwestern part of Tennessee was established in 1871 and was named for Sam Houston, Governor of Tennessee and hero of Texas. The county seat is Erin, a city that legend says was named by Irish descendents who thought that the area resembled their beloved Ireland. As a result of its Irish heritage, the town celebrates with an annual Irish festival in March. Some of the industries and businesses that have been important in the county’s history and economy include timber, railroads, and most recently the Trinity Hospital that was constructed by the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). For more information regarding Houston County, please go to the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History & Culture website.

Total Records Found: 12, showing 10 per page
Farm NameCountyDate FoundedSpecial Recognition
Welker Farm Houston 1850
Windy Ridge Farm Houston 1910