Jefferson County

Jefferson County Map

This map is intended for general geographical understanding. It does not provide the specific locations of the farms in order to protect the owners’ privacy. Map Courtesy of Carole Swann, Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

Jefferson County was established in 1792 by Territorial Governor William Blount. The first permananet settlement at Dandridge dates to 1783 and eventually became the county seat. The county is home to Carson-Newman College that was established in 1851 and is now among the largest church-supported colleges in Tennessee. The county’s agricultural production encouraged the establishment of canning factories such as Stokely and Bush Brothers in the early twentieth century. For more information regarding Jefferson County, please go to the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History & Culture website.

Total Records Found: 33, showing 10 per page
Farm NameCountyDate FoundedSpecial Recognition
Allenland Jefferson 1852
Bates Farm Jefferson 1854
Bell Farm Jefferson 1816
Blackburn Farm Jefferson 1900
Bruce Farm Jefferson 1891
Bud Ballinger Farm Jefferson 1795 Pioneer Century Farm r
Cedar Hill Farm Jefferson 1899
Ellison-Webb Farm Jefferson 1907
Fairview Farm Jefferson 1894
FFF Farms Jefferson 1920