Roane County

Roane County Map

This map is intended for general geographical understanding. It does not provide the specific locations of the farms in order to protect the owners’ privacy. Map Courtesy of Carole Swann, Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

Roane County was established in 1801 and named in honor of the second governor of Tennessee, Archibald Roane. The town of Kingston serves as the county seat. The county’s location at the juncture of the Tennessee, Clinch, and Emory rivers made the area vitally important for both white settlers and Native Americans in the early years of Tennessee’s history. Another notable town in the county is Harriman. During the 1890s, Harriman was established by industrialists who were strict prohibitionists. These prohibitionists implemented their beliefs by making every contract or deed sold stipulate a provision forbidding the use, making, storage or selling of intoxicating beverages. For more information regarding Roane County, please go to the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History & Culture website.

Total Records Found: 8, showing 10 per page
Farm NameCountyDate FoundedSpecial Recognition
Alford Family Farm Roane 1899
Bacon Farms Roane 1915
Cooley Farm Roane 1825
Edgeman Brothers Farm Roane 1829
Martin Farm Roane 1830
Robinette Family Farm Roane 1914
Thomas Family Farm Roane 1917
Valley View Farm Roane 1848 NR