Sumner County

Sumner County Map

This map is intended for general geographical understanding. It does not provide the specific locations of the farms in order to protect the owners’ privacy. Map Courtesy of Carole Swann, Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

Sumner County was established in 1786 and it was named for Revolutionary War General Jethro Sumner. Gallatin serves as the county seat. The county is home to Volunteer State Community College and the Old Hickory Dam that was constructed in the 1950s by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. For more information regarding Sumner County, please go to the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History & Culture website.

Total Records Found: 39, showing 10 per page
Farm NameCountyDate FoundedSpecial Recognition
Light's Farm Sumner 1866
Link Farm Sumner 1822
Maple Valley By Groves Sumner 1851
Martin Homestead Sumner 1876
McKee Farm Sumner 1906
Milky Meade Farm Sumner 1840
Oak Haven Farm Sumner 1793 Pioneer Century Farm
Oakdale Farm Sumner 1856
Payne Farm Sumner 1905
Perdue Farm Sumner 1815