Warren County

Warren County Map

This map is intended for general geographical understanding. It does not provide the specific locations of the farms in order to protect the owners’ privacy. Map Courtesy of Carole Swann, Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

Warren County was established in 1807 and was named in honor of General Joseph Warren, the first general killed in the War of Independence and its county seat is McMinnville. The county has a notable lumber industry and a nursery industry that have provided support for the county’s economy. The county is also home to Rock Island State Park where many residents find recreational opportunities. For more information regarding Warren County, please go to the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History & Culture website.

Total Records Found: 15, showing 10 per page
Farm NameCountyDate FoundedSpecial Recognition
Adams Farms Warren 1816
Blair Farm Warren 1924
Chastain Farm Warren 1818
Davenport Farm Warren 1850
George Cope Place Warren 1910
Loafers Rest Warren 1888
Miller Farm Warren 1901
Moffitt Farm Warren 1825
Myers Cove Farm Warren 1851
River Valley Farm Warren 1828